Here are the top 5 Facebook ads Mistakes we discover the most:
Facebook has become one of the most effective and accurate advertising channels available in the market today. With over 2.4 billion monthly active users and an advanced algorithm that understands behavior and intent, Facebook ads is one of the best ways to put the right message in front of the right audience at the right time.
If you don’t know all the ins and outs of Facebook advertising, you’re more likely to make one of these common mistakes that set your ads up to fail.
1. Testing Multiple Interests in a Single Ad Set: Lots of marketers include multiple interests under one ad set. Using interests is a great way to find new audiences, but this approach makes it impossible to find additional interests similar to the interests that brought in the sale. And that makes the ad impossible to scale. Instead, create multiple ad sets, and include only one interest in each of the sets (try to find interests with little or no overlap). This way you’ll know which interests are the best.
2. Using The Wrong Objective: Facebook has 11 objectives to choose from. Each objective focuses on particular optimization. For example, if you want users to download the brochure on your landing page, then you need to use Conversions objective. (But first of all don’t forget about conversions tracking). If you choose the wrong one, you’ll end up wasting time and money on something that won’t deliver the results you really want. For more information on what objective to use, reach out for a proposal.
3. Forgetting to use Facebook Pixels. Tracking and reporting are essential parts of any marketing strategy. Without setting up the Facebook pixels, you’ll not be able to track the interactions that are happening with your ad all the way back to your website. Pixels can be used to:
- Optimize ads for conversions.
- Track conversions on websites and apps
- Build custom audiences based on Website visitors and behaviors, to re-market later.
4. Running Facebook ads with Zero Follow-up Management. The key to develop continual results from Facebook advertising is to analyze your campaigns on and on-going basis. Look at your Return on ad spent, CPA, CPM, CTR, Frequency metrics and then make adjustments to ad creative, as well as objective and targeting. Run as many as possible A/B tests. Put your best performing audiences into separate ad sets so you can maximize spend on the best performing audiences.
(This how we do it at Audience IQ
5. Leaving Facebook No Time for Optimization. Another mistake is expecting instant results from your campaigns. According to Facebook: “It takes our ad delivery system 24 hours to adjust the performance level for your ad. It can take longer when you edit your ad frequently. To fix it, let your ad run for at least 24 hours before you edit it again.“ Every time you make substantial changes or start a new campaign, in order for Facebook systems to properly optimize, you need to receive minimum 15-25 conversions per week, otherwise, you will have unstable performance. Try not to make any decisions about your ads, like pausing or tweaking them, until you’ve reached 1000 people. At that point, you’ve got enough data to at least learn something from your ads’ performance, even if they don’t get any sales.
Facebook advertising can take some time to get the hang of, but as one of the most effective ways to distribute any message, it’s definitely worth investing in and learning from the experiences of others.